Project O_HAI ④ Games
Hybrid artificial intelligence methods, which can be defined as the orchestration of complementary heterogeneous both symbolic and statistical AI methods to acquire more precise results, are omnipresent in contemporary scientific literature. Still, the methodology of developing such systems is in most cases ad-hoc and depends from project to project. Computer games have always been connected to the development of AI. From the earliest chess minmax algorithm by Claude Shannon in 1949 to the more recent AlphaGo in 2015, computer games provide an ideal testing environment for AI methods. Similarly, AI has always been an important part of computer games, which have often been judged by the quality of their AI and praised if they used an innovative approach. Computer games allow us to test AI methods, not only for fun and leisure, but also for numerous other fields of human activity through the fields of serious games and gamification. The project proposes to establish an new framew ork for the orchestration of hybrid artificial intelligence methods with a special application to computer games. Therefore an ontology of hybrid AI methods as well as a meta-model shall be developed that would allow for creating models (ensembles) of hybrid AI methods. This meta-model would be implemented into a modular distributed orchestration platform which would be further enriched with a number of modules to be tested in four gaming related environments: (1) MMORPG games, (2) gamified learning platform, (3) serious game related to autonomous vehicles and (4) a game for a holographic/volumetric gaming console which would also be developed during the project.
Project Members
Full Professor
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
+385 42 390891
Grupo de Tecnología Informática e Inteligencia Artificial (GTI-IA)
Universitat Politècnica de València
Senior Teaching Assistant
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Grupo de Tecnología Informática e Inteligencia Artificial (GTI-IA)
Universitat Politècnica de València
+385 42 390873
Grupo de Tecnología Informática e Inteligencia Artificial (GTI-IA)
Universitat Politècnica de València
Teaching Assistant
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Assistant Professor
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Full Professor
Department of Information Systems Development
- D1.1. Initial Workshop and Project Presentation (February, 2020)
- D1.3. Interim Workshop and Results Presentation (April, 2022)
- D2.1. Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Platform Ontology & Metamodel (July, 2020)
- D2.2. Distributed Orchestration Platform Implementation - v1 (January, 2021)
- D2.3. Distributed Orchestration Platform Implementation - v2 (December, 2021)
- D2.4. Distributed Orchestration Platform Implementation - v3 (September, 2022)
- D3.1. HoloGame Platform Implementation (May, 2021)
- D3.2. HoloGame Software Implementation (May, 2022)
- D4.1. Case Study 1 - MMORPGs (October, 2021)
- D4.2. Case Study 2 - Cognitive agents & Gamification (July, 2022)
- D5.1.1. Initial Website (March, 2020)
- 😄 Website
- D5.2. Hybrid Artificial Intelligence - Literature Review (April, 2020)
- D5.3. Report on Case Study 1 - MMORPGs (October, 2021)
- D5.4. Report on Case Study 2 - Cognitive Agents & Gamification (July, 2022)
- D5.5. Report on Case Study 3 - Serious Games & Autonomous Vehicles (May, 2023)
- D5.6. Report on Case Study 4 - HoloGame (February, 2024)
- D5.7.1. 1st Annual Dissemination Plan (February, 2020)
- 😄 Plan
- D5.7.2. 2nd Annual Dissemination Plan (May, 2021)
- 😄 Plan
- D5.7.3. 3rd Annual Dissemination Plan (May, 2022)
- 😄 Plan
- D5.7.4. 4th Annual Dissemination Plan (May, 2023)
- 😄 Plan